Educate Your Children on Wealth Management BY THEUS LAW OFFICES If you’ve worked a lifetime to build a large estate, you undoubtedly would like to leave a lasting legacy to your children and future generations. Educating your children about saving, investing and other money management skills can help keep your legacy alive. Teaching Techniques There’s no [...]Continue reading

4 Pillars of a Solid Sales Process BY THEUS LAW OFFICES Is your sales process getting off-balance? Sometimes it can be hard to tell. Fluctuations in the economy, changes in customer interest and dips in demand may cause slowdowns that are beyond your control. But if the numbers keep dropping and you’re not sure why, you [...]Continue reading

Turn Down an Inheritance Using a Qualified Disclaimer BY THEUS LAW OFFICES If you are about to receive an inheritance from a family member, you can use a qualified disclaimer to refuse the bequest. The assets will then bypass your estate and go directly to the next beneficiary in line. It’s as if the successor beneficiary, [...]Continue reading

Tenancy-in-Common: A Versatile Estate Planning Tool BY THEUS LAW OFFICES If you hold significant real estate investments, tenancy-in-common (TIC) ownership can be a powerful, versatile estate planning tool. A TIC interest is an undivided fractional interest in property. The property isn’t split into separate parcels. Rather, each TIC owner has the right to use and enjoy [...]Continue reading

Following the ABCs of Customer Assessment BY THEUS LAW OFFICES When a business is launched, its owners typically welcome every customer through the door with a sigh of relief. But after the company has established itself, those same owners might start looking at their buying constituency a little more critically. If your business has reached this [...]Continue reading

Reduce Insurance Costs by Encouraging Employee Wellness BY THEUS LAW OFFICES Protecting your company through the purchase of various forms of insurance is a risk-management necessity. But just because you must buy coverage doesn’t mean you can’t manage the cost of doing so. Obviously, the safer your workplace, the less likely you’ll incur costly claims and [...]Continue reading

Take Caution When Including Employees in Your Estate Plan BY THEUS LAW OFFICES If you’re the owner of a small business, you may think of your tight-knit group of employees as a family. If you wish to include them as beneficiaries in your estate plan, it’s critical to be aware of possible unintended tax consequences. Unraveling [...]Continue reading

Change Management Doesn’t Have to be Scary BY THEUS LAW OFFICES Business owners are constantly bombarded with terminology and buzzwords. Although you probably feel a need to keep up with the latest trends, you also may find that many of these ideas induce more anxiety than relief. One example is change management. This term is used [...]Continue reading

Intellectual Property Requires Careful Estate Planning BY THEUS LAW OFFICES If your estate includes forms of intellectual property (IP), such as patents and copyrights, it’s important to know how to address them in your estate plan. Although these intangible assets can have great value, in many ways they’re treated differently from other property types. 2 Estate [...]Continue reading