The IRA’s value as a retirement planning tool is well known: IRA assets compound on a tax-deferred (or, in the case of a Roth IRA, tax-free) basis, which can help build a more substantial nest egg. But if you don’t need an IRA to fund your retirement, you can use it as an estate planning […]Continue reading

From the time a business opens its doors, the owner is told “cash is king.” It may seem to follow that having a very large amount of cash could never be a bad thing. But, the truth is, a company that’s hoarding excessive cash may be doing itself more harm than good. Liquidity Overload What’s […]Continue reading

What could stop your company from operating for a day, a month or a year? A flood or fire? Perhaps a key supplier shuts down temporarily or permanently. Or maybe a hacker or technical problem crashes your website or you suddenly lose power. Whatever the potential cause might be, every business needs a disaster recovery […]Continue reading

Most people – even lawyers – choose to do business in some corporate form, rather than individually, in order to protect personal assets from business liabilities. The most common forms of business entities are corporations and limited liability companies. The choice of entity often depends on which entity offers the best tax attributes for the […]Continue reading

Every person has skin and bones that protect their body from bumps and bruises from the outside world. A corporation or other business entity is no different. In short, a corporation (or limited liability company or partnership) is a legal “person.” The corporate body is supposed to protect the owners from bumps, bruises and liabilities […]Continue reading

As a business evolves, so must its compensation strategy. Hopefully, your company is growing — perhaps adding employees or promoting staff members who are key to your success. But other things can spur the need to fine-tune your compensation strategy as well, such as economic changes or the rise of an intense competitor. A goal […]Continue reading

Once you’ve decided that it’s time to hire an attorney who specializes in estate planning, how do you go about doing so? It can be challenging to know where to start! “Where should I look? What questions should I ask initially? How do I know when I’ve found the right attorney for my legal needs?”  […]Continue reading