Charitable lead trusts offer philanthropic and family benefits BY THEUS LAW OFFICES Affluent families who wish to give to charity while minimizing gift and estate taxes should consider a charitable lead trust (CLT). These trusts are most effective in a low-interest-rate environment, so conditions for taking advantage of a CLT currently are favorable. Although interest rates [...]Continue reading

Ease itemized deduction limitations using a nongrantor trust BY THEUS LAW OFFICES The record-high exemption amount currently in effect means that fewer families are affected by gift and estate taxes. As a result, the estate planning focus for many people has shifted from transfer taxes to income taxes. A nongrantor trust can be an effective option [...]Continue reading

Understanding The Bond Hearing Process In Immigration Court BY THEUS LAW OFFICES A person who is detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) may be eligible for release upon payment of a bond. A bond is an amount of money paid as collateral for the release of a person from custody. The bond guarantees the court [...]Continue reading

Concealing a Trust Could Run Afoul of State Law BY THEUS LAW OFFICES You may have good intentions in keeping a trust a secret from its beneficiaries. Perhaps you have concerns that, if your children or other beneficiaries know about the trust, they might set aside educational or career pursuits. Be aware, however, that the law [...]Continue reading

Assets with sentimental value require extra planning BY THEUS LAW OFFICES When planning your estate, you’re likely focused on major assets, such as real estate, investments and retirement plans. But it’s also important to “sweat the small stuff” — your tangible personal property. Examples include jewelry, antiques and photographs. These personal items — which often have [...]Continue reading

Thinking about a Roth IRA conversion? Now may be the ideal time BY THEUS LAW OFFICES Roth IRAs offer significant estate planning and financial benefits. If you have a substantial balance in a traditional IRA and are considering converting it to a Roth IRA, there may be no better time than now. The Tax Cuts and [...]Continue reading

A buy-sell agreement can provide the liquidity to cover estate taxes BY THEUS LAW OFFICES If you own an interest in a closely held business, it’s critical to have a well-designed, properly funded buy-sell agreement. Without one, an owner’s death can have a negative effect on the surviving owners. If one of your co-owners dies, for [...]Continue reading

Defensive Asylum Hearing Process in Immigration Court BY THEUS LAW OFFICES Generally, individuals seek asylum in the United States to escape specific types of persecution should he or she be forced to return to their homeland. The asylum hearing process varies on whether the foreign national is seeking asylum through an affirmative process or a defensive [...]Continue reading