Time is running out to take advantage of the current federal gift and estate tax exemption ($13.61 million for 2024). Absent action from Congress, the amount will drop to an inflation-adjusted $5 million in 2026. One way to make the most of the current record-high exemption amount is to give substantial gifts to your loved ones, thus […]Continue reading

Few estate planning subjects are as misunderstood as probate. Its biggest downside, and the one that grabs the most attention, is the fact that probate is public. Indeed, anyone who’s interested can find out what assets you owned and how they’re being distributed after your death. And because of its public nature, the probate process […]Continue reading

For many people, two common estate planning goals are contributing to a favorite charity and leaving significant assets to your family under favorable tax terms. A charitable remainder trust (CRT) can help you achieve both goals. ABCs of CRTs Typically, you set up one of two CRT types (described below) and fund it with assets […]Continue reading

A key decision you must make when drafting your estate plan is who to appoint as the executor. In a nutshell, an executor (called a “personal representative” in some states) is the person who will carry out your wishes after your death. Let’s take a look at the specific duties and how to choose the […]Continue reading

Legendary singer Aretha Franklin died more than six years ago. However, it wasn’t until last year that a Michigan judge ruled a handwritten document discovered under her couch cushions was a valid will. This case illustrates the dangers of a so-called “holographic” will. It’s one where the entire document is handwritten and signed without the […]Continue reading

Tax planning is only a small component of estate planning — and usually not even the most important one for most people. The primary goal of estate planning is to protect your family, and saving taxes is just one of many strategies you can use to provide for your family’s financial security. Another equally important […]Continue reading

Louisiana Estate Planning Laws Estate planning is an essential aspect of financial management, ensuring that a person’s assets are distributed according to their wishes after death. Louisiana, with its unique legal background influenced by the Napoleonic Code, has certain distinct estate planning laws that residents should be aware of. By meeting with our skilled Louisiana […]Continue reading

Life insurance can be a powerful estate planning tool. Indeed, it creates an instant source of wealth and liquidity to meet your family’s financial needs after you’re gone. And to shield the proceeds from potential estate taxes, thus ensuring more money for your loved ones, many people transfer their policies to irrevocable life insurance trusts […]Continue reading