Single And Child-Free? Here’s Why Etate Planning Is Still Crucial
Even if you’re single and have no children, having an estate plan helps ensure your final wishes are clearly documented and respected. Estate planning isn’t solely about passing assets on to direct descendants; it’s about taking control of your future.
Without a formal estate plan, state laws will determine how your assets are distributed, and those default decisions might not align with your values or desires. Whether they’re your financial investments or personal assets, a comprehensive estate plan allows you to specify exactly who should receive what, be they close friends, extended family or even charitable organizations.
Without a will, who’ll receive your assets?
It’s critical for single people to execute a will that specifies how and to whom their assets should be distributed when they die. Although certain types of assets can pass to your intended recipient(s) through beneficiary designations, absent a will, many types of assets will pass through the laws of intestate succession.
Those laws vary from state to state but generally provide for assets to go to the deceased person’s spouse or children. For example, the law might provide that if someone dies intestate, half of the estate goes to his or her spouse and half goes to the children. However, if you’re single with no children, these laws set out rules for distributing your assets to your closest relatives, such as your parents or siblings. Or, if you have no living relatives, your assets may go to the state.
By preparing a will, you can ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes, whether that’s to family, friends or charitable organizations.
Who’ll handle your finances if you become incapacitated?
Consider signing a durable power of attorney that appoints someone you trust to manage your investments, pay bills, file tax returns and otherwise make financial decisions should you become incapacitated. Although the law varies from state to state, typically, without a power of attorney, a court will appoint someone to make those decisions on your behalf. Not only will you have no say in who the court appoints, but the process can be costly and time consuming.
Who’ll make medical decisions on your behalf?
You should prepare a living will, a health care directive (also known as a medical power of attorney) or both. This will ensure your wishes regarding medical care — particularly resuscitation and other lifesaving measures — will be carried out in the event you’re incapacitated. These documents can also appoint someone you trust to make medical decisions that aren’t expressly addressed.
Without such instructions, the laws in some states allow a spouse, children or other “surrogates” to make those decisions. In the absence of a suitable surrogate, or in states without such a law, medical decisions are generally left to the judgment of health care professionals or court-appointed guardians.
What strategies should you use to reduce gift and estate taxes?
When it comes to taxes, married couples have some big advantages. For example, they can use both of their federal gift and estate tax exemptions (currently, $13.99 million per person) to transfer assets to their loved ones tax-free. Also, the marital deduction allows spouses to transfer an unlimited amount of property to each other — either during life or at death — without triggering immediate gift or estate tax liabilities.
For single people with substantial estates, it’s important to consider employing trusts and other estate planning techniques to avoid, or at least defer, gift and estate taxes.
Form your plan
Finally, planning ahead can help avoid potential complications in the future. Unexpected events can lead to family disputes if there’s no clear guidance on how your affairs should be handled.
With an estate plan, your personal wishes are followed precisely, ensuring that your legacy — whether it includes contributions to a cause you believe in or support for a family member — is preserved exactly as you intend. Contact us if you’re single, without children and have no estate plan. We can help draft one that’s best suited for you.
Theus Law Offices specializes in a complete range of estate planning and elder law services, including wills, trusts, probate, successions, estate administration, and probate litigation. If you need a Louisiana wills and trusts lawyer or succession attorney in Alexandria, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Shreveport, Monroe, or elsewhere in Central Louisiana, let our certified estate planning specialist and probate lawyers help you.